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Working Together

How the Design Process Works 

STEP 1: Get in touch 

Hiring a designer can be a scary thing for most people, but it will benefit you in the long run in helping to make your home a place you absolutely love. Whether you need advice on rearranging and refreshing items you already own or you want to furnish and invest in a design plan for your entire house, consulting with someone who is trained to provide direction will put your mind at ease.

By simply filling out this contact form, we can begin discussing the prospect of working together. I will follow up with an email to set up a time for an initial phone call.


STEP 2: Complimentary Phone Conversation

This phone call is a chance for us to get to know each other and for me to better understand what you are hoping to accomplish. This time is helpful to gather information about your taste, how each room functions and who uses them, any items you wish to keep/get rid of, and your timeline and budget (very important!). Any resources that you can provide during this time (pictures from magazines or online, your vision for the space, existing floor plans, etc.) will help in beginning this process. 


STEP 3: Design Proposal 

Within a week, I will email a proposal of the services I can provide based on our initial conversation. I will present you with a general price estimate and what to expect with the design process. If you accept my proposal, we then sign a contract and set up an in-home meeting.


STEP 4: In-Home Consultation 

If we choose to work together, we will meet in your home and begin to discuss options for a design plan and possible implementation. During this time, I will take any measurements we need and begin space planning, determining color, style, etc. At this point, you may want to implement these ideas yourself or decide to continue working together to complete your goals. 


STEP 5: Design Implementation 

This is the fun part- seeing it all come together! I can provide services ranging from meeting you at various stores to find the perfect sofa to working directly with your contractor in making the technical decisions. Completing the design process takes time and will happen in many stages, but it will be worth it as you see your home being transformed. Finally, I can provide the finishing touches that will turn your design into a reality, and a house that you will be excited to come home to.